Tips on Choosing the Right Digital Agency in Melbourne

When searching for a digital agency in Melbourne, the difference between picking an agency who knows what they are doing compared to some cowboy outfit, can be the difference between your businesses being taken to the next level, or failing miserably. If a business is going to invest money in a digital agency, they need to do adequate research and look for an established, reputable digital agency in Melbourne. What should one look for when picking the right agency?

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Wide-range of services

When shopping for a digital agency to handle your businesses brand image and online solutions, you should look for someone who provides their clients with a range of services. For example, some digital agencies only specialize in SEO or social media. You should be looking for a digital agency that offers everything from SEO, website design, social media services, mobile services, newsletter and content duration and so on.

The reason for this is that a business needs to utilize all the components mentioned to truly develop a well defined online presence. Working social media and ignoring SEO and website design is a sure way to fail, and it’s why agencies who only offer specific services are unable to truly lunch your brand to the next level.

Experts within content and marketing

The agency should be experts in the field, they should know the best industry practices to use and be on top of their game. Take for example SEO, what worked in 2013 will not work in 2014, the agency needs to be up-to-date with practices and how to implement them effectively. Digital agencies in Melbourne should also be aware of what’s happening in the local area, such as popular culture and the perception of local opinion.

A great digital agency will be able to create and distribute strong content and be providing you good measurable results. Content is one of the biggest aspects of digital marketing, make sure they can produce what is needed or you’ll be out of pocket with very little to show for it.

Measuring results and impact

When handing over your marketing strategies to an external agency, everything the agency does should be measurable for you to see. For every campaign initiated, your chosen digital agency should show you where the money has been spent, on what was achieved from it.

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As of today, over 62% of all businesses outsource their online marketing solutions accordingly to Mash able. It’s also estimated that around more than 90% of all consumers who search for the created content find it useful to their needs. With more and more businesses turning to the Internet to implement their advertising strategies, finding the right digital agency in Melbourne will play an important part in how your business performs in the years to come. Follow our tips today when looking for the right agency, or if you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below or send us an email.

How a digital marketing agency in Melbourne can help your business

A digital marketing agency is very much like a traditional marketing agency, with one small exception, digital agencies focus purely on digital content. From websites to mobile applications, e-mails to social media, and almost anything else that involves electronic devices are where digital agencies operate. Finding yourself the right digital marketing agency in Melbourne is very important, find the right team and watch your business soar, find the wrong guys and watch your money burn.

Digital AgancyHere are 3 reasons why most businesses need a great digital marketing agency in Melbourne to help their business grow.

1) Your business lacks direction

Digital marketing is a fairly new concept that most of the business world are still trying to come to grips with. Many businesses use digital marketing methods without a clear strategy or goal in mind, this produces bad results. Are your online goals to find new customers, build on current customer relationships, or to increase brand awareness? Without setting goals with a clear direction, you’re unable to measure your performance or quantify how much resources you need to execute the task.

Many companies get lost because they lack direction, and it’s why so many fail to utilize digital marketing correctly.

2) Digital marketing agency focuses on the right mediums

Social media, newsletters, press releases, e-mail, blogs, info graphics, and free digital giveaways are just a few of the mediums a business can use market their products. Depending on your business, certain digital marketing methods will work better than others. It’s not viable for a business to use every single digital method available to them, as it will not be cost effective and a terrible allocation of resources, a common mistake made by many.

A digital marketing agency in Melbourne like Artlivemedia can narrow down what channels to use based on your businesses objectives. We have our own specialized methodologies that we can apply to any business. This helps us figure out the best ways to digitally promote your business, in the most cost effective way.

3) Without one, you’re going to lose your market share

Demand for digital content is higher today than it’s ever been, if you fail to understand what your customers want, you’re allowing your competitors and even new start-ups to take a serious piece of the market. The dynamics between traditional marketing and digital marketing are two totally different kettles of fish, everything from behaviour, customer profiles, and even competitors are altered. Allowing a great digital marketing agency to handle your marketing strategies can be the difference between you being the number 1 player in your field, to just another business trying to make ends meat.


Everywhere we look, we’re bombarded with digital marketing on the trains, in the cities, and even in our pockets. Electronics are changing the way we reach our customers, isn’t it about time you picked the right digital marketing agency in Melbourne for your business?