4 Easy to Follow Tips for Newbie Content Writers

Everybody knows the key to gaining an online presence is to create epic content. Whether that involves hiring an established content marketing agency such as Artlivemedia or going it alone, you will need to have some sort of strategy in place if you want your business to go anywhere. As a content marketing agency, we know how to create epic content and in this article we will show how beginners can get on there way too.

Pick a topic

content marketingThis may sound really basic but it’s a step so many novice content writers forgot. Select a topic and stick to it, countless times we’ve read a blog post that goes from one topic to another, that never really going into detail about anything. Readers will end up closing your webpage and going somewhere else if you follow this pattern.

How to select a topic? Well that’s simple, it can be based upon a product or service your business provides, it can be industry related news, advice or opinions. If you’re still having trouble of thinking up topics, visit your competitors blogs and see what they are talking about.


Great, so we have our title and now we need to fill in the guts. Unless you’re writing about a topic that you have adequate knowledge and experience in, always do some research. Jump on Google and search for similar topics and figure out ways you can improve on them or what they lack. It’s always worth reading the comments as people will often ask questions which the article missed out.

Always research your articles thoroughly because you don’t want to muddle up facts or state things that are incorrect as it can harm the authority and credibility of your site.

Note: Do not plagiarize articles, this will result in a plenty from Google and your website may be De-listed from search engines. Its fine to research and take points from other articles and expand, but they must all be in your own words.

Writing the article

Before you go ahead and type yourself mad, you should be aware of a few simple formatting steps that will improve the way your article reads and rank.

Big paragraphs are scary – Okay maybe they are not scary, but they put people off from reading. Keep your paragraphs short, usually 4-5 sentences are adequate.

Use subheadings – Sub-headings are a great way to split up an article and allow people to quickly skim. Take this article for example, by mealy reading the title and sub-headings you have a good understanding of what this article will include.

Formatting – Use the correct formatting when writing a blog post, use basic HTML to insert links into articles instead of pasting the whole URL. It makes your article cleaner and looks more professional.

Images – Always include at least one image, not only is it good for SEO but it makes the article more friendly and engaging.

These are basic rules that any great content marketing agency would use when writing blog or articles for their clients.

content marketing agency

 Throw it out!

So the article is completed and posted on your blog, now you need to get people to read it. Along with using SEO, you should be sending your new article out to your mailing list, posting on social media feeds and relevant websites and forums. A good way to measure how truly epic your content is by monitoring the feedback you get. The more likes and shares you receive the most useful people found it.

Artlivemedia understand that writing epic content is a lot harder than it looks, and it’s why so many businesses turn to us for help. We are a content marketing agency that has been helping clients all over the world strategies and create great organic content. Follow our 4 simple tips today and watch your content get the attention it deserves.

Why you need a content marketing agency

Anyone who has done online content marketing before will have undoubtedly heard the saying content is king. If you know nothing or very little about content, hiring the right content marketing agency can do your business a world of good. Sending the wrong email, using a bad image, or uploading an offensive Tweet can have a huge negative impact on your business.

At Artlivemedia we have decades of experience between us, we know how to develop and execute content strategies to devastating effects. We’re so good, that most clients wished they’d found us sooner!

Content marketing strategy

What is content?

When we speak of online content, any image, video, text, or audio is considered to be content. This can range from a blog post, Facebook update, YouTube video, press release, e-mail, web banners and even charts and tables are deemed as content.

Why you should care about your content marketing strategy

The goal behind content marketing is simple, by using appropriate content with the correct marketing strategy. You can generate new leads and at the same time retain your current customer base. This is easier said than done, as you need to always be creating new content which is informative, relevant, and gives your customers value.

By offering valuable information to your customers for free, the idea is that in return they will end up rewarding you with their business, over and over again. Send them junk content that isn’t worth the imaginary paper and ink it’s written on, and watch your leads disappear. How many spam e-mails do you get which you delete without even opening? Don’t be that business!

Why should I use a content marketing agency over my regular marketing methods?

Lets be honest, the old methods of marketing are pretty much dead, every cable service lets you stream and instantly watch shows, allowing users to bypass the TV advertisements. Studies have also shown that over the last couple of years, fewer newspapers are being bought, with more people getting their daily news from online sources. People don’t want to carry big magazines or broadsheets, when they can have it all on one small electronic device. Now is the time for businesses to exploit the benefits of online content marketing.

Content is king!

Hmm, didn’t I mention this just a few moments ago? Whatever marketing approach you take, it should focus around your content, because without good content you don’t have squat! It’s not easy to find or know what content works, and what content doesn’t work for your business, unless you’re an expert content marketing agencylike Artlivemedia.

We have worked on several marketing campaigns for various clients, in many different industries over the years. During that time we have increased click-through rates on e-mails and landing pages, as much as 50% higher the current industry standard. The gang knows through years of experience how to create exceptional landing pages that will get the customer to do exactly what you need them to do. We have great theory behind our A/B testing methods to realize which methods work best, and how to correctly implement them for each unique business.

Don’t worry about figuring out the correct content marketing strategy for your business, you just concentrate on what you do best, which is running your business. Let the best content marketing agency in the world, take care of your content marketing strategy, and launch your business into the stratosphere.