4 Easy to Follow Tips for Newbie Content Writers

Everybody knows the key to gaining an online presence is to create epic content. Whether that involves hiring an established content marketing agency such as Artlivemedia or going it alone, you will need to have some sort of strategy in place if you want your business to go anywhere. As a content marketing agency, we know how to create epic content and in this article we will show how beginners can get on there way too.

Pick a topic

content marketingThis may sound really basic but it’s a step so many novice content writers forgot. Select a topic and stick to it, countless times we’ve read a blog post that goes from one topic to another, that never really going into detail about anything. Readers will end up closing your webpage and going somewhere else if you follow this pattern.

How to select a topic? Well that’s simple, it can be based upon a product or service your business provides, it can be industry related news, advice or opinions. If you’re still having trouble of thinking up topics, visit your competitors blogs and see what they are talking about.


Great, so we have our title and now we need to fill in the guts. Unless you’re writing about a topic that you have adequate knowledge and experience in, always do some research. Jump on Google and search for similar topics and figure out ways you can improve on them or what they lack. It’s always worth reading the comments as people will often ask questions which the article missed out.

Always research your articles thoroughly because you don’t want to muddle up facts or state things that are incorrect as it can harm the authority and credibility of your site.

Note: Do not plagiarize articles, this will result in a plenty from Google and your website may be De-listed from search engines. Its fine to research and take points from other articles and expand, but they must all be in your own words.

Writing the article

Before you go ahead and type yourself mad, you should be aware of a few simple formatting steps that will improve the way your article reads and rank.

Big paragraphs are scary – Okay maybe they are not scary, but they put people off from reading. Keep your paragraphs short, usually 4-5 sentences are adequate.

Use subheadings – Sub-headings are a great way to split up an article and allow people to quickly skim. Take this article for example, by mealy reading the title and sub-headings you have a good understanding of what this article will include.

Formatting – Use the correct formatting when writing a blog post, use basic HTML to insert links into articles instead of pasting the whole URL. It makes your article cleaner and looks more professional.

Images – Always include at least one image, not only is it good for SEO but it makes the article more friendly and engaging.

These are basic rules that any great content marketing agency would use when writing blog or articles for their clients.

content marketing agency

 Throw it out!

So the article is completed and posted on your blog, now you need to get people to read it. Along with using SEO, you should be sending your new article out to your mailing list, posting on social media feeds and relevant websites and forums. A good way to measure how truly epic your content is by monitoring the feedback you get. The more likes and shares you receive the most useful people found it.

Artlivemedia understand that writing epic content is a lot harder than it looks, and it’s why so many businesses turn to us for help. We are a content marketing agency that has been helping clients all over the world strategies and create great organic content. Follow our 4 simple tips today and watch your content get the attention it deserves.

Increase your Web Traffic using Social Media Marketing

Almost everybody you know will have a Facebook, Twitter or some type of social media account. Only last month, I was shocked when my grandmother of 72 decided to add me on Facebook, I didn’t think she knew how to use the internet! My point being that using social media marketing in Melbourne for your business can do you a world of good, with very few drawbacks. Here are 5 reasons how social media marketing can help your Melbourne business.

How to increase web traffic through Social Media Marketing:

Using sites like Facebook and Twitter, you can drive potential customers to your website.You can post pictures or YouTube videos in your tweets or updates. If they are interesting enough, people will share and like your content for others too see, this can sometimes snowball into your content going viral. As you use these sites more and more, users will like your pages or become your friends. This is great as you can now reach out to these people in every update you make, for free!

ImageThe team who take care of the social media marketing at Artlivemedia, know the ideal times to post content, based on who you want to reach in different time zones to ensure maximum impact. They also know what type of content works best for your style of business, how to expose it correctly, and most importantly what not to post!

Target your specific audience:

One of the best features of using social media sites like Facebook is that it lets you set parameters to market to your target audience. For example to use social media marketing in Melbourne for your business, our team at Artlivemedia know the best practices on social sites such as Facebook and Twitter, to ensure your content reaches the people it needs to within your local area.

The days of posting an advert in the newspapers or magazines, hoping that a small percentage of readers in your demographic will see it, are long gone. Social media is taking over, hurry up and jump on the bus before it too late!

Building better relationships

The beauty of social media sites is that your customers can connect with you easily, ask you questions, get faster replies, and experience better back and fourth communication. If a customer can’t find information on what they are looking for on your website, by setting up a social media presence you offer them more avenues to get in touch. Social media gives a more personal touch, it’s much better than telling the customer to send an email which could take days to answer.

Brand your business:

Social media can help brand your business exactly the way you want it. By using carefully selected photos, videos and posts you can slowly start to create your business a new image, or simply enhance the current one. Artlivemedia have media specialists with over 20 years of experience, so whether you’re a law firm, fast-food outlet, a nursery or a plumbing business, we can help create the right brand image for your business using our specialised social media marketing in Melbourne techniques.


Promote your products and services using:

When you’re releasing a new product, service or just having a special promotion, using social media helps you get the message out. After you create a loyal following, you can use social media to tell your customers about your latest offers and new products, if they’re following you, it means they are interested in what you have to offer making it a great way to increase sales.

For almost any business who wants to improve and take it that one step further, using social media marketing in Melbournetechniques is an ideal strategy, we can help you market to the right audience, improve your brand and strengthen customers relationships, and help you increase your sales.